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Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Different Types of Commercial Auto Insurance for Different Vehicles and Purposes

Most drivers know the basics of auto insurance. But commercial auto insurance is entirely different. There's a huge range of different classifications and coverage plans, which includes a spectrum of different business types and operations, as well as different vehicles being utilized. In this guide, you'll learn more about some of the main types of commercial auto insurance to help give you a better idea of what it all means and what your options may be.
First though, it's important to note that regulations and requirements for insurance may be quite different from one state to the next. This includes the types of professional licenses a state may issue, and in turn, the type of coverage they require for that particular license. So it's always best to brush up on your specific state's regulations before making any quick decisions.
Now, here are some of the widely utilized forms of commercial automobile insurance:
  • Business Autos: Your business may have employee cars, provide transportation for clients, and more. You need the right form of coverage for this. Whether you're driving a car door-to-door to complete your daily operations, you provide airport shuttle services, you deliver pizzas or food, or anything else. Vehicles in use may be regular passenger autos, or they may be small or large busses, vans or trailers, or other specialty vehicles as well. See more information on types of specialty vehicles a bit further down in this list.

  • Home Movers: Household movers typically use large trucks, and tractor-trailers. They also carry an entire home's worth of valuable possessions, big and small. Finding the right protection for the vehicles, the goods being carried, and where they are going, is very important.

  • Specialty Trucking: Commercial truck insurance is available for a variety of specialty trucking applications. This includes options such as refrigerated trucks, log haulers and more. Other specialty forms of for-hire commercial truck insurance include dump trucks, waste haulers, garbage trucks, coal hauling, dirt, sand and gravel transport, service vehicles and many others.

  • Contractors: Contractors may use pickup trucks, heavy duty pickups, vans, or even small trucks. They may be involved with anything from home repair to landscaping, snow removal to construction, and much more. Any type of contractor using a vehicle to get to the jobsite and transport his or her tools and supplies.
As you can see, there really is a wide range of different types of commercial auto insurance. From commercial truck insurance for all types of different trucks and vans, to contractors, service providers, heavy construction and more, it can be daunting. But with the right assistance, you'll be able to find a plan which is right for you, your business and your vehicle, and keeps you in compliance with your state's regulations as well.
John Rothschild is the owner of ACI Insurance Services, a leading provider of commercial auto insurance in Florida. ACI is known for their customer service, and their affordable rates, and they'll do everything they can to meet the needs of their clients. To get started with Florida business insurance visit or call John directly at 407.889.2612.
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