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Sunday, 22 December 2013

Healthcare Sharing Ministries Are Exempt From Obamacare

During one of the most confusing times in the history of our country's healthcare many Americans are facing the loss of their insurance plans. My family was one of those. We were sent a letter a few months ago saying our insurance policy wasn't ACA compliant and they offered us 11 options to choose from. Blue Cross was kind enough to recommend one of the eleven, but all 11 were absolutely horrible when compared to what we have. Not only that, new developments are showing that many doctors aren't included in Exchange based insurance plans, so if we chose to get subsidies we may not be able to see our regular doctors.
The plan they recommended was much more expensive, even as a Bronze plan, and the deductible was 350% higher. Actually needing to use the plan for just two health events would have caused us to spend well over $20,000 between deductibles and premiums. That's more than a lot of families make, and it was too high a cost for the value of what we receive. It basically became a very expensive major medical plan. It was time to find something else.
Obamacare changed the rules for our family, we had to do something else. Every insurance plan we had as an option was more expensive than we were willing to pay. After complaining on Facebook a friend recommended Samaritan Ministries, it's a healthcare sharing ministry for Christians. I'd never heard of it.
After two months of research our family decided to cancel our Blue Cross plan and join Samaritan. In addition to being a much better option for our family, the icing on the cake was the members of established healthcare sharing ministries are exempt from Obamacare. When members file their tax return in the Spring of 2015 we will fill out a short form listing this exemption. We will not pay a fine, penalty, tax, or whatever the government wants to call it. Either way, we are well protected from high healthcare expenses without using traditional insurance and with no fear of a government penalty.
If you are facing the same dilemma our family is and are a practicing Christian (meaning you attend church regularly) then I encourage you to check out a healthcare sharing ministry as a great alternative to traditional (expensive) insurance plans. There are three Christian healthcare sharing ministries to choose from, they are Samaritan Ministries, Christian Healthcare Ministries and Medi-Share.
For information about why the author chose Samaritan for their HCSM and to see herSamaritan Ministries review and cost comparisons please visit
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